I could not hold back tears as I read this in front of him (and still makes me tear up each time I read it). This kind of note is priceless. In a year where I have been pushed well beyond my comfort zone and felt less than successful... WOW! Reminds me of the story of the starfish:
No matter what has happened this year I feel good knowing I made a difference for this one student. That's all we can hope for in this world... that we make it better for at least a one.
The story doesn't end with Elias' note. I shared with him that most likely I won't be back next year due to some reprograming of specials type classes. I gave him my school email and said I want to keep in touch with him and that if he ever needs anything, I am here. I just checked my email this morning and found this:
Wow.I have had a great time today. You are one of my favorite teachers that i feel like crying because i only get to see you once this year. I hope that i will be able to keep you in my future generation because you are a really nice person to talk to someone who really understands who i am and what i do. I think this is the best time I've ever had. I feel better getting 7 hugs all in one day because that shows me that i have people who cares about me. I am going to miss you.
Days Like This!
On a completely different note, I also had something else pretty cool happen yesterday. My campaign to spread smiles at school with the little pipe cleaner peeps was not my idea as I shared before. I thought it proper to share what I'd done with the people who sparked my idea. I got this response.
Hi Gia - This is amazing! One of our friends, who makes Little Heart Man (https://www.facebook.com/littleheartman) will be so happy to see this. I love it that everyone is inspired by one another and that you're making these anonymously for your teachers as well as the students. If you do it often enough, I think there might be a lot of people who will be inspired by you and your work to do the same thing! I always try to pay it forward and you're definitely doing that with this project. Keep up the great work!and this was posted on littleheartman's FB page as well:
New friends spreading random acts of kindness! We recently received a message from our friends at Make DC Smile, a teacher in Denver saw Little Heart Man on the Make DC Smile page and made her own little guys with signs inspired by Make DC Smile. She's been spreading good cheer by anonymously giving them to fellow teachers and placing them in random spots in her school for the students. We love these guys!
Days Like This!
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