As all previous weeks have been, this one was once again a roller coaster ride. HOWEVER, I did have better class sessions with the 7th and 8th grade classes. Perhaps they are beginning to connect, trust or something with me. Yesterday I had the tougher of the two 8th grade classes and was able to see them actually get work done. One young man and I shared a smile even. He was typing sentences about himself and needed another idea he is pretty low academically so I knew if I was going to get anything out of him I really had to connect with him to get him to write. I was throwing out ideas and I said, "Tell me your girlfriend's name." His eyes lit up and he replied, "you want to know my girl's name?" Then he proceeded to ask me how to spell her name. I took this as a good opportunity to joke with him so I said, "dude, ya have to know how to spell her name so you can write her mush love notes." and his response, "I don't that miss." Usually when he has come to my class, which is sporadic due to behavior, he is pretty tough. Yesterday I felt successful with him. I need those small successes for sure!!!
The other highlight of my week was a little 1st grade girl that I saw each morning. Her dad would stand next to her line and wait until we walked in. I leaned over one of the mornings and said she had a great personality. In which he replied, "She's a handful!" Made me laugh because as he walked away she was barking orders that he better bring her home some cheese bites or else.
I have been working with students using MS Word the past few weeks and look forward to diving in to some projects with them next week. I know it is not best practice to tease out a program and teach it in isolation but really felt I needed to build some routines and rituals around something simple. For the most part students did well. Some struggled with just the basics. I have some project ideas lined up for 3rd-8th but have yet to think of something for k-2nd. Part of the problem is having 2nd grade classes with 30 students and no para professional to help. I want to be able to do projects with them but need to think and research how I can be there to support so many when their needs are high. Just realized I am rambling here. UGH.
So in a nutshell - side story for a minute.... I bought Jeeter's halloween costume and took his picture. I used the picture as my computer desktop background to connect with kids. They loved it. Although some struggled with seeing he was a dog in a squirrel costume! Ha. It was a picture that I needed this week to make me smile..... In a nutshell, upon reflection- the week was pretty good. I just don't feel I've taught them anything they've learned for school yet. HOWEVER, feels like I'm making those connections and building relationships which in my opinion will take me farther than anything! Happy Friday!
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