Here's are just SOME of the blogs I follow:
- *Paula White- http://tzstchr.edublogs.org/
- Bud Hunt- http://budtheteacher.com/blog/about/
- *Paul Bogush- http://blogush.edublogs.org/
- Wesley Fryer- http://www.speedofcreativity.org/
- *Ben Wilkoff- http://learningischange.com/
- Silvia Tolisano- http://langwitches.org/blog/
- Kelly Hines- http://keepingkidsfirst.wordpress.com/
- Kelly Tenkely- http://ilearntechnology.com/
- David Warlick- http://davidwarlick.com/2cents/
- *Jeff Utecht- http://www.thethinkingstick.com/
- *Karl Fisch (teaches at Arapahoe HS)- http://thefischbowl.blogspot.com/
- *Tami Thompson (fellow Jeffco teacher)- http://teacherspirit.blogspot.com/
- *Michael Wacker- http://mwacker.blogspot.com/
- Kim Cofino- http://kimcofino.com/blog/
- Kevin Jarrett- http://www.ncs-tech.org/
- Steve Dembo- http://www.teach42.com/
- Steve Hargadon- http://www.stevehargadon.com/
- Dr. Alec Couros- http://educationaltechnology.ca/couros/
- Sean Nash- http://nashworld.edublogs.org/
- Dean Shareski- http://ideasandthoughts.org/
Who do you follow? If you have a great suggestion please let me know! I'm always looking for great thinkers!
I am so glad you have started a blog. You have such wonderful ideas to share and challenge people with. Looking forward to seeing more from you.