Tomorrow is August 1st. The day when teachers can officially get into our school building. There has been construction GALORE all summer long so I'd seen my new teaching space for all of about 4 minutes.
Today I finally closed the door to my former teaching world at my old school by cleaning out all my things. Felt good to do so. I decided rather then move stuff from old class to new class I needed to see my new space again. I ventured in today and the above slideshow is what I found. WOW. I have DPS technology people coming out on Monday to help figure out what works, what doesn't work and reimage a whole slew of computers. Thank goodness for the help! Not only will I be the technology teacher at Trevista but I will also be the site tech rep who takes care of all the tech equipment. It is something I'm fully capable to do, however the training for the STR job is not until after school starts. This does not help with what needs to be done to get things up and going now. So again, I'm very thankful to the people coming out to help with this huge project.